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05 Apr, 2024
Let's have an honest talk about something crucial but often overlooked: understanding potential exposures to sexually transmitted diseases, sometimes referred to as infections (STD/STIs). Have you ever wondered, "How many people have I really been exposed to?" It's a valid question, especially when it comes to protecting your sexual health. You might assume that since you've only had sex with a few partners, you haven't been exposed much. But the reality is more complex than that. It's easy to underestimate how quickly potential exposures can add up. Even if you've only had a few partners, each person you're exposed to has a unique sexual history. The potential for indirect exposure from your partners can quickly grow. This is a sobering thought, but it highlights the importance of knowing your status and how to prevent exposure. Here’s a tool to learn the number of possible exposures you’ve had: . So, how can you use this information to protect yourself? Recognize that the most effective method of preventing STDs entirely is to refrain from sexual activity. Additionally, being in a mutually monogamous relationship, like marriage, will ensure you won’t contract an STD. Understand that communication is key. Statistics reveal that individuals aged 15 to 24 represent 50% of all new STD cases, stressing the importance of honest discussions with your partners about sexual history and making informed decisions regarding your sexual health. 1 Get tested. The CDC recommends getting tested annually if you aren’t in a mutually monogamous relationship, meaning you or your partner have had other partner(s). 2 Many STDs don't show symptoms right away, so you might not even know you're infected. Getting tested can help you detect infections early and get the treatment you need. At Collage, we offer testing and treatment for both chlamydia and gonorrhea at no cost to you. We want to do what we can to equip you to make informed decisions because together, we can reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and live healthier lives.
22 Mar, 2024
When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), we often think about specific areas of the body, but what about the throat? Can you get an STD there? And if you're concerned, where can you turn for help? Let's dive into the details.
08 Mar, 2024
In this blog, we'll explore the complexities of experiencing pregnancy symptoms with negative test results, investigate potential reasons behind missed periods, and offer guidance on prioritizing reproductive health.
16 Feb, 2024
In a world marked by rapid changes and unforeseen challenges, the resilience and adaptability of Generation Z have emerged as powerful tools for overcoming obstacles and shaping a brighter future.
02 Feb, 2024
Abortion, being one of the most debated and sensitive topics, generates numerous questions. In this blog, our aim is to provide clear and unbiased answers to the top five questions asked about Abortion, understanding the importance of informed decision-making and the complexities surrounding this deeply personal choice.
19 Jan, 2024
Suspecting or finding out that you’re pregnant can be an exciting but also overwhelming experience. You may find yourself Googling the best time to take a pregnancy test or how your body is about to change. Just like last month’s post on STDs & STI’s , we're here to answer the top 5 most-searched questions about pregnancy. Just remember, our purpose here is to help you stay informed, but if you think you might be pregnant it’s always best to reach out to your healthcare provider. How Do Home Pregnancy Tests Work, And When Can I Take One? This is one of the most common questions, and understandably so. The timing of a pregnancy test is key for ensuring an accurate result. Generally, you can take a home pregnancy test about 1 week after a missed period, although some tests can offer results even sooner. Pregnancy tests work by detecting a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG for short), which is released when a fertilized egg attaches to your uterine wall.Your body doesn’t make this hormone if you’re not pregnant. For the most accurate result, test first thing in the morning and avoid drinking too much water before the test so as not to dilute the HCG in your urine. At Collage, we offer lab-quality pregnancy tests at no cost to our clients. What Are the Early Signs of Pregnancy? Early signs of pregnancy can vary from woman to woman, but some common indicators include: Missed menstrual period Breast tenderness Nausea or “morning sickness” Fatigue Frequent urination Mood swings Food aversions or cravings It's important to note that these symptoms can also have other causes, so a pregnancy test is the most reliable way to confirm. What Should I Eat (or Avoid) During Pregnancy? Nutrition is crucial during pregnancy. You should focus on a well-balanced diet that includes: Fruits and vegetables Whole grains Lean proteins Dairy or dairy alternatives Additionally, it's best to avoid certain foods like raw fish, unpasteurized dairy products, excessive caffeine, and alcohol. Consult with your healthcare provider for personalized dietary recommendations based on your health history and pregnancy progress. How Much Weight Should I Gain During Pregnancy? The appropriate weight gain during pregnancy varies depending on factors such as your pre-pregnancy weight and health. In general: Underweight women may need to gain more weight. Normal-weight women may aim for 25-35 pounds. Overweight women may need to gain less weight. Your healthcare provider will monitor your weight throughout the pregnancy and provide guidance based on your individual needs. 1 What Exercises Are Safe During Pregnancy? Staying active during pregnancy is beneficial and may help you have a smoother delivery, but it's important to choose sensible exercises. Generally, low-impact activities like walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga are safe choices. Avoid activities with a high risk of falling or injury, and listen to your body, modifying or stopping exercises if you experience discomfort. Of course, always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine. 2 While the internet can provide valuable information, it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice based on your specific circumstances. If you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your friends here at Collage. Whether you need a reliable pregnancy test, an ultrasound to determine the viability of the pregnancy, or just want someone to talk to, we’re here for you.
05 Jan, 2024
Note: If you feel like you're in immediate danger or know someone who is, please call emergency services or your local law enforcement. When we hear the words “sex trafficking,” it’s easy for dramatic scenes of kidnapping by strangers and crossing international borders to come to mind, such as those in popular movies like “Taken” and “Sound of Freedom.” While sex trafficking can happen this way, it’s far more common to begin with subtle grooming, a form of emotional manipulation, by a person who claims to care for you. In 2020, 42% of victims were trafficked by a member of their own families, and 39% were recruited through an intimate partner or a marriage proposition. This tactic is even more insidious because the victim may not realize that they’re being trafficked for a very long time and even feel a sense of loyalty to their trafficker. Our relationships should lift us up, not leave us vulnerable to manipulation and abuse. So, in honor of Human Trafficking Prevention Month, we’re helping our readers spot the red flags that may mean your partner is using you for sex trafficking. Decoding Manipulation Traffickers often work to gain their victims’ trust, make them financially dependent, and convince them that sex work is normal and necessary. Once this dynamic is established, the victim ends up cooperating in their own exploitation, thinking they have made the choice to do so independently. Emotional Manipulation: Your partner might use emotional tricks to keep you under their thumb. Look out for signs like extreme jealousy, guilt-trips that never end, or them trying to cut you off from friends and family. Love Bombing: At the beginning of a relationship, some people go all-out with affection and gifts to make you feel like you need them in your life. This is a trick to make you bond with and trust them more quickly than you normally would. Gaslighting: This is when they make you doubt your feelings and sanity. They might brush off your concerns or tell you you're "crazy" for suspecting them. We actually have an entire post about gaslighting, which you’re welcome to read here . Spotting Signs of Sex Trafficking Total Control: Traffickers want control over every bit of your life – your money, your routine, and who you see. You may feel like you have zero say in anything. Isolation: Traffickers aim to cut you off from friends, family, and anyone who might help you. They might discourage you from seeing your loved ones or going to social events. Pressured into Sex Work: You are being pushed or forced to work in the sex industry against your will. This could include escort services, prostitution, or other sex work. This may seem casual at first, where your partner may pressure you into performing sexual favors for his friends or say you must do this work to help financially support the two of you. Finances: Traffickers usually have a tight grip on your earnings, making you dependent on them for survival. They may say that you owe them a debt or make up complex financial schemes that make it challenging for you to understand how much you owe. Abuse: Victims often go through physical violence, emotional torture, and threats if they try to escape the situation. Tattoos or “Branding”: Some traffickers use tattoos or marks to show that you're "theirs." Seeking Support Realizing you're in a manipulative or trafficking situation is a brave step towards taking your life back. You deserve a relationship that respects your freedom, safety, and happiness. If something feels off in your relationship, don't ignore that feeling. If your partner's actions make you uneasy, don't brush it aside. Share your worries with a close friend, family member, or counselor you're comfortable with for an outsider’s perspective. They can be a rock of support. 1 Consider reaching out to a helpline or a local organization that's skilled in helping people in your situation. In the U.S., you can call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 . These professionals can help you make a plan that keeps you safe. Recognizing manipulation and sex trafficking in a relationship is incredibly difficult, but you're not alone. By understanding the signs, trusting your gut, and reaching out for help, you're taking control of your life and working toward a brighter, safer future. Remember, you deserve happiness and freedom, and there are people and organizations ready to help you reclaim your life. 
22 Dec, 2023
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Grace. She was kind, always had time for others, and seemed to love life. Every once in a while, one of her friends would catch a glimpse of sadness in Grace's eyes; they would ask if she was okay, and Grace would mumble something about a heavy suitcase. You see, Grace was dragging around an old suitcase with a broken wheel filled with rocks. As Grace had doubts and made mistakes, more rocks would fill the bag. One day, Grace met a traveler with a suitcase behind him. Grace asked if his was as heavy as hers. He replied, "It's as light as a feather." Grace was puzzled by this: How can that be? The traveler asked Grace if she loved herself. When she hesitated, she immediately felt her suitcase become heavier. He encouraged her to start replacing her rocks with feathers. "How do I do that?" asked Grace. "Take your negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. When you look in the mirror and are unhappy, pause and say I love this person. If you make a mistake, focus on what you can learn instead of talking down to yourself." Grace left, determined to turn her rocks into feathers. Some days were more challenging than others, but over time, she felt her suitcase lighten. As her bag became easier to carry, she started talking to her friends and family, asking them about their baggage. And so, the simple acts of forgiveness and compassion created a powerful ripple of transformation. Much like Grace, we all carry around our own "baggage." Whether our suitcase is filled with self-doubt, unforgiveness, or shame, that weight can cast shadows on us. So, how can you start your journey towards self-compassion, forgiveness, and the creation of beauty from life's surprises? Understanding Self-Compassion: Self-compassion involves treating ourselves with the same kindness and understanding that we would offer to a friend facing a similar struggle. It is not about self-pity but about acknowledging our pain and challenges without judgment. Embracing Imperfection: Life is unpredictable, and everyone faces unexpected turns. Embracing imperfection is the first step towards self-compassion. Acknowledging that mistakes and challenges are a part of the human experience allows for a more forgiving perspective. Cultivating Mindfulness: Mindfulness is key to self-compassion. Being present in the moment, without dwelling on the past or fearing the future, can alleviate stress and anxiety. Techniques such as meditation and deep breathing can aid in developing a pause when we start to feel overwhelmed or insecure. Understanding Forgiveness: Forgiveness is not condoning the actions of others or forgetting past events; it is a gift to oneself, releasing the burden of resentment. Letting go of anger and resentment is a powerful step towards personal freedom. Forgiving Others and Yourself: Forgiveness is a two-way street. While forgiving those who may have contributed to your struggles is essential, self-forgiveness is equally crucial. Understand that everyone makes mistakes, and forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself. Breaking the Cycle: Forgiveness breaks the cycle of negativity and fosters an environment for personal growth. By forgiving, you create space for positive energy and open the door to new possibilities. Remember, simple acts of forgiveness and compassion can create a powerful ripple of transformation. As you embark on this journey, be patient with yourself. Celebrate the progress, no matter how small, and embrace the beauty that unfolds when we treat ourselves with the same kindness we readily offer to others. The road to self-compassion is an ongoing adventure—one that leads to the discovery of inner strength, resilience, and a profound sense of beauty amid life's unexpected twists.
08 Dec, 2023
Sexually transmitted diseases and infections (STDs/STIs) are surprisingly commonplace in the United States. In fact, the CDC reports that about 1 in 5 American adults has an STD. 1 With such a common yet personal concern, it's understandable that many turn to Google with their questions. In this post, we're here to provide answers to the top 5 most common searches about STDs/STIs. Our aim is to provide you with accurate, friendly advice so you can stay informed and make responsible decisions about your health, which will, in turn, impact your future. But remember, it’s best to consult with your healthcare provider and get tested if you suspect you’ve been exposed. You deserve to be the healthiest you possible! What are STDs, and how do they spread? Sexually transmitted diseases, also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are a group of infections primarily spread through sexual contact. They can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Common STDs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, HPV, and HIV. These infections can be transmitted through vaginal, anal, or oral sex, as well as close genital contact. Some can even be spread through contact with infected blood or needles, while others can also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. 1 What are the symptoms of STDs? STDs can come with a wide range of symptoms, but here's the catch: many people with STDs don't show any symptoms at all. The CDC reports over 90 percent of people with chlamydia and gonorrhea don’t have symptoms. This is why regular testing is crucial; it helps detect and treat infections early. Symptoms may include: Unusual genital discharge Odor Pain or burning during urination Genital sores or ulcers Itching or discomfort in the genital area Rashes or warts on or around the genitals Swollen lymph nodes Flu-like symptoms (fever, fatigue, body aches) 2 Remember, some STDs can lurk silently in your body without showing any symptoms at all, which is why the CDC encourages annual testing for sexually active people who aren’t in a mutually monogamous relationship. How can I protect myself from STDs? Refrain from sexual activity which is the only 100% effective way to avoid exposure to STDs/STIs. Be in a mutually monogamous relationship, like marriage. Have open and honest conversations with any sexual partner. Discuss your sexual health and consider getting tested together before engaging in sexual activities. Keep in mind that although condoms do provide some protection, several STDs can still be acquired through skin-to-skin contact. 2 Are STDs curable? Not all STDs are curable, but many can be effectively treated with medication. For instance, bacterial infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis can be cured with antibiotics. However, viral infections like HIV and herpes are not curable, but the symptoms can be treated. When should I get tested for STDs? The right time for STD testing depends on various factors, such as your sexual activity, risk factors, and the specific STD in question. 3 As a general guideline, consider getting tested: Before starting a new sexual relationship Annually or more frequently if you have multiple sexual partners If you experience any symptoms of an STD Remember, if you have concerns or suspect you may have an STD, don't hesitate to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment. Feel free to reach out if you have more questions or would like to schedule testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea (the two most common bacterial STDs). Our healthcare professionals would be happy to help you!
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