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Beyond Filters and Avatars

Apr 19, 2024

The Pursuit of Authenticity in Gen Z Dating

Let's talk about dating in our world, where filters and avatars dominate the scene. We're navigating a realm where authenticity sometimes feels like a rare gem in an ocean of perfectly captured profiles and staged moments. But fear not—we're on a quest together for something real, something genuine—an authentic connection.

First, let's address the stats. According to a study by Hinge, a whopping 44% of us admit to having little to no dating experience. And over half of us—56% to be exact—have let the fear of rejection hold us back from seizing potential opportunities for connection. Sound familiar? It's a common struggle, but it doesn't have to define dating experiences.

So, what does authentic, focused Gen Z dating look like? Well, it's about going beyond the surface. It's about ditching the filters—both literal and metaphorical—and embracing our true selves. It's about recognizing that vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength and that genuine connections are built on honesty and openness.

Sure, we live in a world where swiping left or right is the norm and where TikTok trends shape our perceptions of romance. But amidst the noise, we're carving out our own path. We're rejecting the notion that love should fit into a neat little box and celebrating our individuality.

Remember, it's okay to have little dating experience. We're all learning and growing; there's no rush to figure it out. And as for the fear of rejection? It's a natural part of putting ourselves out there, but it shouldn't hold us back from pursuing what we want.

In a society that often prioritizes image over substance, let's be the ones who dare to be real. Let's have conversations that go beyond small talk and surface-level banter. Let's show up as our genuine selves, flaws and all because that's where true connections are formed.

So, whether you're swiping on dating apps or meeting someone new in real life, remember this: authenticity is your superpower. Embrace it, own it, and watch your relationships become richer and more fulfilling.

Together, let's go beyond false fronts and move towards genuine connection. When we strip away the pretense and reveal our true selves, that's when the magic happens. Are you ready to pursue authenticity in dating?

05 Apr, 2024
Let's have an honest talk about something crucial but often overlooked: understanding potential exposures to sexually transmitted diseases, sometimes referred to as infections (STD/STIs). Have you ever wondered, "How many people have I really been exposed to?" It's a valid question, especially when it comes to protecting your sexual health. You might assume that since you've only had sex with a few partners, you haven't been exposed much. But the reality is more complex than that. It's easy to underestimate how quickly potential exposures can add up. Even if you've only had a few partners, each person you're exposed to has a unique sexual history. The potential for indirect exposure from your partners can quickly grow. This is a sobering thought, but it highlights the importance of knowing your status and how to prevent exposure. Here’s a tool to learn the number of possible exposures you’ve had: . So, how can you use this information to protect yourself? Recognize that the most effective method of preventing STDs entirely is to refrain from sexual activity. Additionally, being in a mutually monogamous relationship, like marriage, will ensure you won’t contract an STD. Understand that communication is key. Statistics reveal that individuals aged 15 to 24 represent 50% of all new STD cases, stressing the importance of honest discussions with your partners about sexual history and making informed decisions regarding your sexual health. 1 Get tested. The CDC recommends getting tested annually if you aren’t in a mutually monogamous relationship, meaning you or your partner have had other partner(s). 2 Many STDs don't show symptoms right away, so you might not even know you're infected. Getting tested can help you detect infections early and get the treatment you need. At Collage, we offer testing and treatment for both chlamydia and gonorrhea at no cost to you. We want to do what we can to equip you to make informed decisions because together, we can reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and live healthier lives.
22 Mar, 2024
When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), we often think about specific areas of the body, but what about the throat? Can you get an STD there? And if you're concerned, where can you turn for help? Let's dive into the details.
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In this blog, we'll explore the complexities of experiencing pregnancy symptoms with negative test results, investigate potential reasons behind missed periods, and offer guidance on prioritizing reproductive health.
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