Collage is a non-profit organization that offers complimentary, community-funded medical services. Our focus is on you, not on making money. At Collage, you’ll find a caring staff that is committed to providing you a safe, comfortable place where you can get the help you need! Because many of us have faced some of the same decisions you are facing, we can identify with your needs and offer real-world guidance with genuine compassion. All our services are confidential.
Collage is a non-profit organization that offers complimentary, community-funded medical services. Our focus is on you, not on making money. At Collage, you’ll find a caring staff that is committed to providing you a safe, comfortable place where you can get the help you need! Because many of us have faced some of the same decisions you are facing, we can identify with your needs and offer real-world guidance with genuine compassion. All our services are confidential.
Every member of our team cares deeply about you and your needs.
We’re able to offer our services at no cost to you because of the incredible support of the people in central Nebraska.
Collage is able to offer our services free of charge thanks to all the individuals, businesses, and organizations who donate hundreds of thousands of dollars every year to our Centers. We're grateful for our partnership with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services that processes our STD/STI tests in the state public health laboratory.
There are so many people in central Nebraska who give financially, volunteer their time, and share their talents because they believe if our clients are given the accurate information and support they deserve, they’ll make really good decisions. We have found this true because of all the women and men who have received services and later on, returned to donate financially or give diapers so that someone else can be helped like they once were.
We’re also proud to be a partner agency with United Way of the Kearney Area.
A successful team thrives on the talents of many.
Collage is a non-profit organization that’s dependent on the support of friends just like you as we accept no government funding. It’s because of you that we can provide our services for our community free of charge.
Thank you so much for your desire to join us as we help create beauty from the unexpected in people’s lives.
Consider all the ways you can partner with us: One-time, monthly, or quarterly monetary donations given online or mailed in, monthly automatic bank transfers, gifts of grain, gifts of stocks, matching funds, and endowments. You can even designate Collage Center in your United Way giving.
To enable donors to provide for our clients with timely and needed support through in-kind gifts, we have a Wish List of specific items that have either been requested by our clients or items we use weekly in our office to serve our clients.
We cannot accept donations of any used baby furniture, car seats, or baby equipment (high chairs, strollers, bouncers, or pack-n-plays) due to our policies concerning liability. We suggest checking with the Salvation Army, a local church, or Wee-Cycle Kearney.
If you are interested in volunteer opportunities at Collage there are a few different ways to get involved. The best place to start is to come in and pick up an application. Our Center Directors will review them when returned and set up a time to get to know you a little better. Then we’ll see if there’s a good fit for your gifts and Collage’s needs.
At Collage, we’ve experienced the restoration of beauty in our own lives, and that compels us to help others seek the beauty within them.
Don’t ever hesitate to contact us.
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