What’s Happening?
You’ve taken the home pregnancy test and it came back positive. And you’re not quite sure what to think or how to feel. It all seems overwhelming. Then to top it off you’re still bleeding.
Maybe you’re confused. Do you tell your boyfriend, mom, or friends? Maybe you are feeling relief because you think—I’m not pregnant after all! Most of all you’re probably wondering what’s going on with your body.
First, take a deep breath. Okay. Now let’s talk about what might be going on, because yes, it is possible to be pregnant and have a period. But that may or may not be what is happening.
Conception Just Before Your Period
If you have a short menstrual cycle, it could be that you didn’t get pregnant until just a few days before your period started. What this means is the egg takes time to reach the uterine lining. This could cause your body to be fooled—thinking it should still produce the hormones that cause your period. What then happens is you still have a light period and could potentially not even notice you were pregnant for up to six weeks.
It Might Not Be A Period
There are also other ways that you can still bleed during pregnancy that aren’t a result of menstruation. Cervical changes, infection, and implantation can all make you think you are having a period when you are actually pregnant.
Another way you can bleed during pregnancy is miscarriage. If this happens you need to see a medical professional right away.
Be Sure
It’s important for you to understand that bleeding doesn’t always necessarily mean you’re not pregnant. We want you to have a place to ask questions, get an accurate pregnancy test, and talk with our professional staff. You deserve peace of mind so that you can make an informed decision.
Life sometimes finds us in unexpected circumstances. You deserve support so you can make a plan. Give us a call or email us if we can help.
At Collage, we’ve experienced the restoration of beauty in our own lives, and that compels us to help others seek the beauty within them.
Don’t ever hesitate to contact us.
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