Dear Collage,
I’ve been going out with this guy for a few months. We have used every precaution before having sex. We even have a back up method for birth control! Now it has been a week since I should have started my period and I haven’t started yet. I’m FREAKING out. I don’t even know if I like this guy all that much and now this. I think I might be pregnant. Can you help me?
Please answer soon,
Dear OMG I Think I Might Be Pregnant,
Thanks for contacting us. Try to stay calm and let’s figure this out together. First, some facts. You can get pregnant at any time using any method of birth control. It can even happen even if he doesn’t ejaculate. No birth control method is one hundred percent effective. We know, not the answer you were looking for, but it’s the truth. Having sex is risky.
But let’s look at your situation and walk through the steps to determine the likelihood that you’re pregnant.
Find out the date of your last period.
This is important information in determining when you were ovulating. You can get pregnant more likely immediately after the halfway point, or 14 days, from your last period. Of course every girl is different, but if you have an idea of the timeframe this will help.
What is your body saying to you?
Not all these are for-sure signs that you are pregnant, but they are early indicators.
Have you already taken a pregnancy test and if so what were the results?
Come in and take a free pregnancy test.
We know the last thing you want to do is come in and take a pregnancy test and share the results with complete strangers. But even if you have taken a home test and it came back positive, you still should take another test just to be sure. If it does come back positive there will be someone to give you accurate information, and to listen if you need to talk.
We can also get you scheduled for a follow up ultrasound appointment to verify the viability of the pregnancy. Up to 25% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage, so an ultrasound is the best next step after a positive pregnancy test.
Please understand that it’s important to get medical help soon if you are pregnant.
We’re here for you and we can help. Give us a call in Kearney or Grand Island and let’s find out if you’re pregnant and then we can help you process what the best next steps are for you.
At Collage, we’ve experienced the restoration of beauty in our own lives, and that compels us to help others seek the beauty within them.
Don’t ever hesitate to contact us.
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