Chlamydia is the most commonly reported STD in the US and it affects both women and men. When left untreated it can cause permanent damage to both female and male reproductive systems.
What are the Symptoms of Chlamydia?
One of the most dangerous aspects of Chlamydia is that most of the people who have it don’t show any symptoms. Because of this, they often spread the disease without even knowing it. If symptoms do occur, it may be several weeks after sex. Symptoms for women may include abnormal vaginal discharge or a burning sensation when urinating. For men, they can be a discharge from the penis, burning when urinating and potentially swelling in the testicles.
Who has Chlamydia?
A lot of people. In fact, over 1.4 million cases are reported in the US each year.
How do you get Chlamydia?
Sex. It’s pretty straight forward. Vaginal, oral or anal sex with someone who has it is how it spreads. Chlamydia is a bacterial disease that lives in the tissues that line the opening of your body – think vagina, urethra, rectum and throat. When these tissues come together, the disease can spread.
Are you at risk?
If you’re having vaginal, oral or anal sex – yes. And young people are at a higher risk.
How can I know if I have Chlamydia?
Again, most people don’t have any symptoms, so the only sure way to know is to get tested. A simple urine test will confirm if you have the disease.
Is there a treatment for Chlamydia?
There is. Chlamydia can be cured with antibiotics which will stop the infection. Sometimes this is a one dose prescription, other times it is multiple doses. When prescribed, all medication should be taken to stop the infection.
What happens if I don’t get treated?
Left untreated, Chlamydia can have serious and dangerous consequences. For women it can lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), an infection in parts of the reproductive system. This can cause abdominal and pelvic pain and potentially an inability to get pregnant or a dangerous ectopic pregnancy. For men, it can cause an infection in the tube that carries sperm from the testicles, causing pain and fever. It has also caused infertility in men, though this is not common.
Chlamydia during pregnancy can also be passed to the baby during delivery. This often results in eye infections or pneumonia for the baby. It can make it more likely you will have an early delivery.
How do you keep from getting Chlamydia?
The only 100% effective way to avoid Chlamydia is not having sexual contact. The second most effective way is to have a mutually monogamous long-term relationship, where both partners are Chlamydia free entering the relationship.
If you’re concerned that you may have Chlamydia or another STD, getting tested is important. In this situation, the more you know the better. Collage provides STD Testing and Treatment for both Chlamydia and Gonorrhea at no cost. If you would like to schedule an appointment you can use our contact form of give us a call to set up a time. We’ve even created a video from our nurse to let you know exactly what to expect when you come in for test.
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