Ashley looked in disbelief. She could see the test result clearly. Positive. The test came back positive.
A second semester junior at UNK, Ashley was on a partial scholarship and had a potential job waiting for her when she graduated. She felt like she was in a bad dream. How in the world was she going to do this? Her question came as quickly as her tears. “Can I be pregnant and still be a student?”
At Collage this is just a glimpse of one of the many scenarios we’re able to help women work through every day. There are many women like Ashley who are full-time students and immediately think they’re trapped if they get pregnant because they couldn’t possibly go to school and have a baby.
The truth is, courageous women do this everyday. Sometimes they may wonder if it is worth the stares, the questions, and emotional effort of carrying a baby through nine months as a coed. But it certainly can be done. Yes it is hard, but often the best things in life are.
Maybe as you read this today you’re in the same position as Ashley, wondering if you can still be a student and be pregnant. We want to give you some information about how Collage can help you if you’re worried about being pregnant and being a student at the same time.
1 - We will listen. At Collage we will be here for you to work through the emotions when your pregnancy test comes back positive or negative. We can provide you with resources and information to help you work through health concerns, relationship questions and what your next step could look like.
2 - We will offer you support. Part of this support is providing you with valuable referrals in our community. Central Nebraska is a wonderful place to get connected and find assistance. We have the ability to get you plugged into valuable services and provide options for you and your baby. You don’t have to go this alone.
3 - We will help you understand your rights as a student. All pregnant and parenting students fall under Title IX. You have the right to stay in school so you can meet your educational and career goals. To learn more you can go here to read more about how Title IX applies to your pregnancy specifically.
4 - We will help you weigh your housing choices. To live on or off campus? This one is tough. There are many things to consider. Will you get enough rest in student housing? Will you have to wait on a bathroom? Are there health concerns with community living when you are pregnant? We can help you work through what is going to be the best option for you.
5 - We will not judge you. You may be wondering, “What if I am thinking about having an abortion? Will they still help me or will they judge me?” We understand that every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy who walks into Collage has the option to have an abortion, as well as other options. We just want to make sure you are aware of all of them so you can make an informed decision. And our promise to you is this:
We’ll be a safe place: a place of hope and restoration…a place where if you are faced with an unexpected pregnancy—or even a sexual health issue you can begin to discover beauty despite your circumstance. While we do not provide abortion services, we will still give you accurate medical care and information. No hype, no judgment. You will be treated with respect.
So if you are sitting in your dorm room and you’re wondering if you can still be a student and be pregnant, give us a call to schedule an appointment. We can give you a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy and our staff is here to provide support no matter what you choose.
At Collage, we’ve experienced the restoration of beauty in our own lives, and that compels us to help others seek the beauty within them.
Don’t ever hesitate to contact us.
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