At Collage, we’re asked one question about our services pretty regularly and that question is, “Why are your pregnancy tests free?” We talk about this a little bit in our About Us section, but we thought it would be good to share a little more about not only why we do it but to also let you know how it’s possible. After all, we all know that nothing is truly free and we understand you may be a bit cautious when it comes to “free” stuff.
So here are four reasons why you don’t have to pay when you come to Collage for pregnancy tests.
We are a caring community
And when we say we—we mean thousands of people in central Nebraska. People in our communities care about women so much that they help fund our efforts. Our community trusts that we are providing accurate information and practical help to those seeking our services. So the community supports us financially and this helps underwrite our programs and services such as pregnancy testing. We want you to know that the awesome folks of Grand Island, Kearney, and surrounding areas truly care about your emotional well-being and health. They make it possible for you to come to us when you need to confirm an unexpected pregnancy.
We don’t depend on government funds
We’re privately funded. Almost all of the grants we apply for and receive come from private family or business foundations. This means when government money dries up we don’t have to stop certain services or programs because we don’t rely on federal funds.
We have former clients who needed free pregnancy testing and are now giving back
Although we don’t expect it or ask for it, women and men who have needed our services in the past have found help and hope through our organization. Sometimes years, even decades later, they come back wanting to help others who find themselves in the same situation and do so by either volunteering or supporting us financially.
We have amazing partnerships with local businesses and organizations
We’re grateful for the organizations in central Nebraska who support Collage by paying for our much-needed supplies like pregnancy tests and other medical supplies. Sometimes local businesses offer us discounts for their services and sometimes they give financial or physical gifts to provide a safe place for those facing the unexpected. Our ultrasound machines, which confirm viable pregnancies after a positive pregnancy test, are a beautiful example of a gift given through the business and faith-based community. It isn’t just individuals who support Collage, but it is also long-standing, familiar organizations that you encounter every day.
We hope this helps answer any questions and concerns about how we can offer free pregnancy testing and other services to our community. If you or a friend ever need our help, we’re here for you, all because of the generous support of our community.
At Collage, we’ve experienced the restoration of beauty in our own lives, and that compels us to help others seek the beauty within them.
Don’t ever hesitate to contact us.
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